Registered Charity 285734
If you are wanting information about the NHS hospital services click on this link
If you wish to ring the Helston Community Hospital - 01326 435910 for the ward and 435900 for main reception
All monies given to the League of Friends at the Helston Community Hospital goes straight into equipment for the Hospital and there are no administration fees.

AGM 2024

Click here for Minutes of the meeting held on 25 November 2024

FETE 2024

Thank you for all your support at the Fete 3 July 2024 . The Mayor of Helston Miles Kenchington open the Fete.The total raised was £1341.00 which will go towards making the patients stay in the Hospital more pleasant.

Dr Ken Whittle, President, Matron Lynda McHale, Mayor Miles Kenchington, Hospital Sister Teresa Addington

March 2024 - Presentatation
Sue Atkins, Treasurer, receiving a cheque from Mr Paul Combellack from the Lizard and Mounts Bay Circuit for £1,989.75.
Sue Atkins, Paul Combellack, Ann Ferris (Chairman), Hospital Sister Trudy Addington

18 March 2024

Sister Lynda McHale has been in the NHS for 50 years and today the Helston Community Hospital Staff gave her a surprise party to celebrate the occasion.
Ann our Chairman presented her with a plant in a pot and a card from Members of the League of Friends Committee.

The League of Friends of Helston Community Hospital
had their Annual General Meeting

Monday 11 December 2023 at 2.15 p.m.
Click here for Minutes of the meeting

Penhellaz Lodge presented a cheque for £600 to the League of Friends.
The money was raised by holding a BBQ at Martin Wallis's farm at Penrose.
Brian Nelson, Ann Ferris (Chairman 0f the LOF), Phillip Williams, and Martin Wallis

The Fete was opened by The Rev Danny Reed this year Minister for the Central Methodist Church Helston this year and the Committee would like to thank you for your support as we raised £1200.

Welcome to the League of Friends of Helston Community Hospital website.

Helston Community Hospital is a small Community Hospital with 24 beds and holds various Clinics for people in the area.

League of Friends provides funds for equipment to assist in the comfort and care of patients and staff throughout the Hospital as well as providing Easter, Christmas cards and presents for the patients.

The League receives support from the local Community in the way of legacies, fundraising events, donations and collections and raises monies by organizing a Fete, Coffee Mornings and fundraising events.

Officers for 2023

President Dr Ken Whittle
Chairman - Mrs Ann Ferris

December 2023
The League of Friends held their 65 Annual General Meeting and the Chairman, Ann Ferris, thanked everyone for their support during the Covid and hopefully things will be getting back to normal.

March 2023
This month we have provided games and a projector and screen for the patients.
January 2023

The Staff at Tesco presented of cheque for £500 to the Chairman of the League of Friends, Ann Ferris.
This money was raised by the staff and will be used for the Activity items for the patients.

left to right

Connor Munden - Service manager
Dr Ken Whittle - President of the League of Friends
Nick Mill - Store Manager
Nicky Walker - Community Champion
Ann Ferris - Chairman of the League of Friends
Atkins - Treasurer of the League of Friends

The new year began with a certain amount of uncertainty as covid was still causing problems and some restrictions were still in place. We were, however, back to be able to hold our meetings in the hospital which was greatly appreciated by the committee - albeit still wearing our masks.

The question of what fundraising we would be able to do ourselves was discussed at our first meeting, when it was decided to defer the decision to a later date when the covid situation, would be more stable. In the end though it was felt that we could not hold our fete at the hospital and moving it to another venue was not really viable. However, we did hold, on a beautiful day, a very successful coffee morning at Anne Russell's home overlooking the sea at Porthleven raising nearly £700, and we thank Anne for her hospitality. We have been grateful for donation to funds, in particular from the True and Faithful Masonic Lodge and the Tremayne family, raised from a cricket match in memory of a family member.

Many and varied requests were made by the hospital for both medical equipment and other more diverse items which enhance the work of the staff and the lives of the patients - Sue will of course elaborate on this in her report.

We have provided funds to replace tools and plants for the upkeep of the sensory garden and we are grateful to the Rotary Club of Helston/Lizard for their support in keeping it tidy. Wendy and Jo, Sandy and Moira have recently planted shrubs and bulbs which we will look forward to seeing flowering in the spring.

Community links have been kept up by attendance at various civic and town events and I have to thank Ken for representing us at several of these as I seemed to be away whenever dates arose.

My thanks go to the entire committee, for with their support my role as Chairman, has been far less daunting than I envisaged. Special thanks go to Wendy and Sue for the enormous amount of work that they put in behind the scenes, and to Helen for keeping the League in the public eye. Thanks to, to Anne for organising the flower rota for the displays in the reception area, and to all her band of helpers. Maggie and Jo for selling the Christmas Cards in record time. One more person who I must mention is our president, Ken, who is so active in supporting all we do.

We are sadly losing two long standing members at this AGM. Barbara Crabb, who is not standing for re-election, first joined the committee in 1994 and, having given nearly thirty years service to the league now feels it is time for her to retire. Usually to be found supervising the refreshments at the fete and other events we will miss her greatly. We also say goodbye to Lilias Chapman who is resigning due to ill health. Lilias has been a member for fifteen years and we will miss her calm words of wisdom at our meeting.

Last but no means least, thank you to the wonderful staff of the hospital because they ARE the hospital. Our congratulations go to the nursing team for their national award recognising excellence in end of life care, something that is being recognised as more and more important.

Thank you all for attending this afternoon and showing your support for the work of the League of Friends and the hospital itself.

Wishing you all a happy and healthy Christmas and best wishes for 2023.

Ann Ferris, Chairman

The Treasurer reported

Expenditure for the direct benefit of the Hospital totalled £10821 made up as follows;
2 Oxford Prescene hoists and slings - £6620; Crash trolley for MIU - £1655; Companion benches, parasols and bases for Sensory Garden - £1500; Maintenance of the Aquarium in Outpatients waiting room - £546, Fridge for the Jack Johns suite - £254 (Restricted funds); Christmas presents for patients - £175; Easter Eggs for patients - £40, Oasis for silk flower arrangements in reception - £31.



JUNE 2022

President Dr Ken Whittle and Committee Member Anne Russell

Mrs Anne Russell hosted a coffee morning for the League of Friends at her home in Porthleven and it raised over £600. We would like to thank all those who attended and supported the League of Helston Community Hospital. Due to Covid restrictions we will not be holding our Annual Fete at the Hospital this year.

President of The Helston Rotary Club, Amanda Boxer, presenting a cheque
to Dr Ken Whittle President of The League of Friendsof Helston Community Hospital for £1472
from monies raised by its members during lockdown.

June 2021

The Mayor of Helston John Martin and Councillor Tim Grattan-Kane with the League of Friends President Dr Ken Whittle, Chairman Heather Gilbert, Trudy Addington and Paula Hellier from Helston Community hospital with the new bench that the council have donated and dedicated to the NHS and all key workers.

It is situated on Meneage road, so if you are walking that way please take time to sit and reflect on the amazing work being done by the wonderful staff at Helston Community Hospital and all the key workers in Helston during this year difficult time. The council also very kindly donated £540 to the League of Friends to enable them to support the patients at the hospital.


Please continue to support your local hospital through The League of Friends of the Helston Community Hospital.



All monies given to the League of Friends at the Helston Community Hospital goes straight into equipment for the Hospital and there are no administration fees.

Please remember we can only continue to give the Hospital our support if you continue to support us.

All donations can be left at Reception at the Hospital or sent to our Treasurer Sue Atkins c/o the Helston Community Hospital, Helston TR13 8DR


).Helston Community Hospital

Registered Charity 285734

Designed WWallis