2024 The League of Friends have agreed to renew the paths in the sensory gardens to make a smooth surface for the safety of the patients. What this space! We will keep you updated.
2024 The League have provided many items for the Occupational Therapy Department this year and there are some photos of the items for the patients below

The League of Friends have purchased 4 companion benches, parasols and stands for the patients at the Helston Community Hospital June 2022


The Committee meet bi-monthly and receive requests from the Matron or Hospital Sister on their requirements. We have recently funded 11 new fuly automatic beds, bedside tables and secure cabinets ,Arjo Standing aid , 4 Dyna maps ; Doppler; INR Machine ; Bench with lockable storage for Tools in the Sensory Garden ; 2 cosi chairs ; 2 x Phase 111 mattresses. We have ordered this month 20 chairs for the use of patients attending the clinics at the Hospital. These chairs have now arrived are are in the Waiting rooms.

During 2022 we supplied the following:- 20 Chairs for the Reception £3336; Patient Flat Lift Kit £6965; Illuminated Magnifying Glass Trolley and Weight £408; 2 hoists £6621; Minor Injuries Unit Crash Trolley £1971, 9 remote TV controls and Labour £232, Maintenance of the Aquarium in Outpatients Waiting room £546, Christmas Presents for Patients, Easter Eggs for Patients

The League fund raises by organizing Fetes, Coffee Mornings and other events. The League receives support from the local community by way of legacies, fundraising events, donations and collections.

The League has provided a lot of equipment for the Hospital including soft furnishings and televisions. The League also built an extension "Jack Johns Suite" which can be used by the families of patients who are very sick. We have provided a Sensory Garden, Large Conservatory and extra Car Parking for the Hospital; Christmas cards and presents for the patients at Christmas and Easter; maintain the Sensory Garden and outside flower beds with the help of the Helston/Lizard Rotary Club and the Hospital volunteer "Chuck".

Sensory Garden

Conservatory overlooking the garden


"Jack Johns" Suite
"Jack Johns Suite" built by the League with money from Mr Jack Johns to provide an apartment for patients families to shower, prepare some food or just take a break from a bedside vigil.

This is also used by staff to assess whether patients are capable of looking after themselves before being allowed home

Furniture for Conservatory

Furniture for the Conservatory

Static Bikes

Bike for the Patients

Beds for patients

Fully automatic beds

standing aid

Sensory Portaire

Anne Russell, Sister Teresa with the Sensory Portaire

stacking chairs

Portable chairs

Bedside cabinets

Bedside cabinets with secure compartment for medication


Designed WWallis